
Hostel in Paris

[12/01/2016] расположен недалеко от Лувра, заполняемость близка к 100%, поэтому о цене и условиях особенно не беспокоятся. но все чисто, удобно. интернет 2 евро в сутки. мало розеток в комнатах. многие...

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Like the description

[12/01/2016] I really enjoyed my stay in Louvre hostel in Paris. It's a great place to meet other travelers. Friendly and fun atmosphere. Like the description says, it is only for...

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Happy to pay for location

[12/01/2016] You are paying solely for location, which is explained on the website. BVJ hostel  sent email after you book. I was happy to pay for location. Breakfast was decent.

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